Saturday, March 6, 2010


wow so nice my friend 1st time came to my house for Chinese New Year^^


watching TV^^

watching TV^^

card card card~

Dota-ing with Vinod

Dota-ing with CC Chong

Of course facebook-ing~

this 2 ...手不离机~(相机)
He kena also...

talking about this...when we all went to the pond in front of my house, this 2 suddenly disappear..

like never see this type of round things~

Talking about this~~~Chua and Ping like never see

they said very cool~ cool? erm...I have been seeing it for almost 10year+...

my sis难逢知己~
ok this is the end of the jouney to my house^^

then we went to Taman Indah~

CC house

well the part I love the most at CC's house is this pond..damn nice!

all like to play cards...they took my house 1 and combine with CC's 1..

but then stared to rain...

our hero finally came^^

lucky guy^^kena denda
lucky girl who kena denda also^^

this is the end at CC' house^^

on the way to next destination

on the way~

this经典 I love^^

next destination>>>>>>>>

Jia Jian's house^^

this guy, everyday dota dota~even when we friends visited him he also lazy to open the door for us=.=///

see! speechless~

who ate until become like this??...hahaha

of course guys are always in front of pc~
The end of Jia Jian's house


Shi Rui's house


between this 2,

which 1 better^^

Chua always...


After that Ping stops their journey, so...we guys cont to the next house^^

Ling Xuan's house
ok well....Big Bo always fiding for food~

again~ card and card and card~

This 2 guy~

make Chua crying..

The end of Ling Xuan's house^^
And this is our last destination also.
ok abit disgusting, but a memory la^^

Back Home

eat pizzas XD

Here are some funny videos^^
Hope you all enjoy them^^

next year, we will have this again~


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