sorry because of my late should be done last week, but my connection failed to do so. =.=2day the line quite satisfied, so i can post it^^
last week rain so heavily..
lighting some moreso scary
all of us
i mean my family.
did our own things.
then suddenly my dog bark so loud,
n Choo's father drove his car n "pon pon" us..
then wat we guess was true~~
the river water behind our house was rising up=.=
then parents drove their car up to factory there,
n prepare for the "war"
i wanted to take photo de.
but..lazy liao..later kena marah.
so...i took when the water "back" to their "home"
these are the photos...
After that hor...that is it..
my Lucky ar...he so scare..when the water rised up..he look at the water n bark..n looked at me. but i jz smile to him. after that he dun wan to look at me liao...mayb angry at me for not rescue him. haha...but when i wan to gv him food to eat..i looked inside his cage..OMG...he "pang sai" alrd..greed colour de..mayb too scary disgusting..the bathing room...1 centipede + many cockroach.
so...we need this!
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