Thursday, September 10, 2009

Animals^^ i told u all, my housing area is a animal kingdom. here are some "old friends"..haha..share with u all. hope u all enjoy it, n if u are free u are welcome to my house^^ haha..

that day my mum did her work at kitchen...then suddenly she shout.
her friend came n visit her^^ haha...

everytime i "dating" with my Lucky...(we are not gay) sometimes we will meet some cow behind my house.then they will look at us like this...
Lucky always bark at them, luckily they dun chase us^^

this "friend" is new member...baru-baru join us.that day my sis was washing vegetable...then suddenly they appear n say ^^HI^^

next time gt chance, i will take more pictures for u all...bye^^

今日金句: 处在怎样的环境,就习惯用怎样的角度看事情。而每一件事情从不同的角度来看时,总会有不同的体验。所谓见仁见智,有些事情并不一定是对或错,而是因为眼光不同,看法也就不一样。让我们学习以宽广的态度接纳不同的人、事、物,以致能彼此尊重和体谅。

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