Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Greed Bean

I plant greed beans be4. but everytime it died. so...last few months Mr.Goh ask us to plant again. my sis n me plant lo.then this time! we success!hehe

we 3 plant different type of beans...but finally onli my green bean grew^^hehe

this is how a green bean looks like...

n i think this is the seeds...(green bean)o

but very died also...Photobucketfinally i cant see the whole proses too(the seeds coming out)cry im not sure wat's the problem, but i think so is the ants..they built house under the soil..=.=///
my house a lot of ants..many animals..everytime they spoil my thingsPhotobucket
but nvm...我忍...百忍成金!


Friday, September 18, 2009


holidays is coming...
but this holidays hor...
need to face books..
exams is nearer n nearer...
18days left
need to put more effort!
for my family, for my relatives, for those who know me, for myself, n is also for "You"^^

so friends..
work harder in this holiday!
is specially for us!
study until "song"

1more thing.
recently i found out that some1's blog has change the address
i asked him/her alrd, n he/she told me the address
but the second day he/she changed it again.
n he/she dun tell me wor..
i dunno wat's wrong with u
i dunno wat u mean,
but i will not bother u anymore^^
u are still my friend,
but u cant change my life anymore^^

今日金句: 其实很多时候耳背的是我们自己。当我们封闭自己的内心时,别人的劝告进不了我们的心中。同样的,当我们自以为最聪明时,也正是愚昧的开始。

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

School's Pra PMR

our school gv us Pra PMR wor...
but many of my friends said it's not important^^
but the exam haven finished yet zzz...
need to wait after raya...

this time hor...
every1 so 乖o no "tolong-menolong"
hope i can gt good results la..

dunno wat to write so...
that's all^^

今日金句: 你做事不够专注?一个专注的人必然不易被周遭的事务所分心。一个下定决心的人,必定也是一个在各方面都能成功的人。

Monday, September 14, 2009

何耀珊 - 做你的公主


或许你没看出来 周围的人都在猜
喜欢你偶而作怪 不经意留露的坏
其实体贴实在 孩子气的胸怀
曾经有过的恋爱 彷佛一片空白
我只想做你的公主 拥有那平凡的幸福
华丽的珍珠 不如眼底的专注
对我深深呵护 我想我是你的公主
当你抱著我 地球也暂停脚步
我刹那间清楚 你是我的幸福
沉潜太久的孤独 这一刻获得救赎
我忽然好想哭 感激你这一路
陪我笑 陪著我辛苦

今日金句: 每一次成功的表现,其实是背后无数次血汗的付出和不断的努力才能达成.不要奢望一步登天,而应自我期许,能扎扎实实的走稳每一个步伐.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Animals^^ i told u all, my housing area is a animal kingdom. here are some "old friends"..haha..share with u all. hope u all enjoy it, n if u are free u are welcome to my house^^ haha..

that day my mum did her work at kitchen...then suddenly she shout.
her friend came n visit her^^ haha...

everytime i "dating" with my Lucky...(we are not gay) sometimes we will meet some cow behind my house.then they will look at us like this...
Lucky always bark at them, luckily they dun chase us^^

this "friend" is new member...baru-baru join us.that day my sis was washing vegetable...then suddenly they appear n say ^^HI^^

next time gt chance, i will take more pictures for u all...bye^^

今日金句: 处在怎样的环境,就习惯用怎样的角度看事情。而每一件事情从不同的角度来看时,总会有不同的体验。所谓见仁见智,有些事情并不一定是对或错,而是因为眼光不同,看法也就不一样。让我们学习以宽广的态度接纳不同的人、事、物,以致能彼此尊重和体谅。

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bom Bom 咯~

yo...that day i doing revision in my room. suddenly my father came in n ask me to bath for my Lucky @.@...actually i hv exp be4...but 1 time this is the second time.
he also quite cooperation with me o ...haha
but 1 thing mum ask me to take out the bale. when i took them up...OMGcry
2 earthworms u all noe..i hate all tye of worms...feel so irritating...yer...
then my father settle them, we cont to bath^^

when Lucky bath he is very cute^^ see his body kurus kurus but his head big big...haha! bcas he dun like us to pour water on his head. he will shake n shake n shake! so...muz becareful.

after that hor..normally we will dyr him. but this time special, we put him under the sun for some times..then straight put him back to his home. when he dried, also same like be4 ma...haha...

after bath sure very comfortable ma... so he oioi...(sleep)

then like this somemore...


今日金句: 当我们要打开人们的心房时,亲切真挚的爱心与关怀,是最快最有效的方法。